You can then copy and paste this formula into all the cells between the two columns. This will enter the formula into the formula bar, and the difference between the two columns will be displayed in the cell. The formula is “=A1-B1”, where “A1” is the first cell of the first column and “B1” is the first cell of the second column.

Here, you will type in the formula for the subtraction. The next step is to click on the formula bar, which is located at the top of the screen. This will select all of the cells between the two columns. You can do this by clicking on the first cell of the first column, and then holding down the shift key and clicking on the last cell of the second column. The first step to subtracting one column from another in Excel is to select the two columns of data you want to subtract. Steps to Subtracting One Column from Another in Excel With a few clicks of the mouse, you can quickly and easily find the difference between two columns of numbers in Excel. Whether you’re subtracting a single column of numbers or two columns of data, the process is the same. Subtracting one column from another in Excel is a quick and easy way to compute the difference between two columns of data. Subtracting One Column From Another in Excel Copy and paste the equation in the other cells of the column.Type the equation =A1-B1, where A1 and B1 are the cells of the two columns you would like to subtract.Select the cells in the column you would like to subtract from.Subtracting one column from another in Excel