This choice will show us all the options for printing separations. For tutorial purposes, I am choosing DEVICE INDEPENDENT POSTSCRIPT FILE. The next very helpful tool for printing separations is inside the actual print window. With this setting on, you are less likely to waste films, screens or paper. Click the checkbox for Print only current page and click OK. Go to Tools > Options > Global and select Printing in the left column. So, to make sure we only print from the active page you can modify a setting inside the CorelDRAW options. When printing separations only the active page is usually being printed. For extra organization in your file, you can label the page the color being printed by right-clicking on the name of the page. For the white ink base, you would print it from this page.

For example, page 2 in the exercise file has the base white separation. You can use another page for these modified versions of the artwork. Sometimes screen-printed separations need trapping or a base color for printing. If you drag the registration mark to your document palette or a custom palette, it will add the color to your palette to have it easily available whenever you need. If you click the drop-down arrow in this window and look at the bottom of the list, you will see the registration color. Select a registration mark, then double-click the Outline settings in the bottom right of the interface. You can drag this color to the document palette or a custom palette for easy access. This color is good for job names and registration marks to keep them consistent on all films or screens.

If you use the registration color for these marks it will show up on each separation without having to change the color. When printing screen-printed separations, you can add your own custom registration marks on the page so you can control where they are on the output.

They are labeled with a name, so you know exactly which separation or color plate you are printing. Think of it like a coloring book and each color crayon you color with or use from the spot color palette is a separation. In some printing processes that use spots color, like screen printing, you need to isolate each color into individual color areas so they can be printed on the same plate or screen.